Apicoectomy in Jerusalem

What is an Apicoectomy?

An Apicoectomy is an oral surgery procedure that gently removes an infection at the end of the root of a tooth. The procedure is simple. We make an opening over the root tip, clean out the area of bone around the root that has been destroyed through infection and invasion of bacteria, seal and then close out the area. If we dissect the word “apicoectomy” from an etymological perspective, “apico” derives from the word “apex” which means the end, “ectomy” refers to the act of cutting or removing, so apicoectomy describes the removal of the apex of the tooth.

What are the benefits of getting an apicoectomy versus other alternatives?

Performing apicoectomies allow us to save a tooth that otherwise would have to be extracted because of severe infection. By cleaning out the infection, sealing the area, and closing it up, we can save the tooth as long as the tooth has enough good healthy bone around it. We can salvage rather than extract.

What is the procedure for an apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy is performed by an oral surgeon. A small opening is made above the end of the root. The infection is cleaned out thoroughly. The area then doesn’t even need to have a graft or any synthetic bone placed around it. The area is closed and heals beautifully over the next few months with new bone forming in the area where there had been an actual infection.

How long is the apicoectomy procedure from start to finish?

When we perform an apicoectomy, it generally takes us half an hour to clean out, seal, and close up the infected area. In most cases, an apicoectomy is a one-time procedure. Sometimes we have to perform it twice and clean it out again to achieve total success. Most times apicos heal uneventfully.

What are the alternatives to an apicoectomy?

Sometimes, we can redo a root canal and remove residual bacteria through the top of the tooth, eliminating the need to perform an apicoectomy. This decision is made by the endodontist (root canal specialist), and then consensus is achieved with Dr. Prenzlau about the best course of treatment for the patient. The decision generally comes down to whether we should redo the root canal or go straight to the surgical procedure of an apicoectomy.

Is there any pain associated with an apicoectomy?

We use a local anesthetic during the procedure followed by a week of antibiotics post-surgery. Slight swelling can develop but is generally not painful. Normal recovery is completed within a week’s time.

What is the aftercare that a patient must adhere to after an apicoectomy?

After an apicoectomy, patients should ensure that there are no secondary bleeding spots by biting down on gauze pads just as one would with a wisdom tooth extraction and following up with some warm salt water or saline rinses for the next two days.

Why would a patient choose to have their apicoectomy completed at the Oral Health Center versus other alternatives in Jerusalem?

The beauty of coming to the Oral Health Center in Jerusalem is that our patients receive All Care Under One Roof. This includes visiting the oral surgeon for the surgery itself but also for follow-up care as the area heals. This is much easier for patients than having to run around to all kinds of other offices.

Additional information about apicoectomies

At the Oral Health Center in Jerusalem, we have performed hundreds of apicoectomies with a very high success rate. In most instances, the infection heals normally and the area fills in with new bone. The patient can continue with normal function for years of comfort, having been able to salvage vs. extract the infected tooth.

Want more information about Apicoectomy in Jerusalem?

Please call us at 02-566-0669 or fill out the form to schedule an appointment for all your dental needs.