All on 4 Dental Implants

What are All on 4 Dental Implants?

All on 4 Dental Implants is a subspecialty of regular dental implants usually used in areas where you have limited amount of Jawbone to place conventional implants all on for. All on 4 technology allows the surgeon and dentist to place implants tilted in the jaw so that you don’t have to do further surgical procedures to create more bones. Such as sinus lifts and bone grafts. In this way, you avoid much longer procedures and time necessary for all of these extra surgical procedures to heal and in one appointment your implants can be completed, impressed and your new teeth are screwed in usually on the same day or the very next day. 

What are the Benefits of All on 4 Versus Other Dental Implants?

The advantage is that you complete your dental implants in a much more conservative manner without invasive surgical procedures. So by tilting or angling, you capture and use the best bone available for stability. And you do not have to do further more invasive surgical dental procedures. 

What is the First Step in Carrying Out All in 4 Dental Implants?

For those people that are shown to have a limited amount of bone on their Panoramic X-Ray patient has a CT scan completed of the entire jaw and then the amount of bone available in every part of the jaw can be measured and qualified as acceptable for a tilted implant. Then the treatment can be planned and carried out based on the digital CT scan. 

Is All on 4 a Good Solution for Patients Missing Teeth?

Most All on 4 technology is for not only missing teeth, it’s for a totally toothless individual where the patient would like to have a full reconstruction on implants in limited available healthy bone.

I Understand the All on 4 can be Done the Same Day. How Many Hours Does this Procedure Take?

Usually take, normally the surgical procedure takes 2 hours and the impressions take one hour. So all implants can be within three to four hours.

Will All on 4 Require Maintenance and Care?

After the procedure absolutely, the maintenance and care is extremely important. Both for keeping the areas around the implants and around the newly constructed teeth healthy, clean and infection free. Just like you would have your normal teeth checked by the oral hygienist, on a regular recall basis. It is as important with the technology of All on Four to do the same type of recall and paying attention to how everything is holding up. And on recall doing radiographic checkups as well. 

What is the Procedure for All on 4?

The valuation is completed with a Panoramic X-Ray and a CT scan of the Jawbone that is scanned and digitized on the computer. The implants are either digitally placed on the model with a guide being made exactly where the position and length of the implants would be placed prior to even doing any type of surgery. The surgical aspect is placing the implants exactly like they were developed on the scan and then impressing them and producing a temporary implant prosthesis or implant Bridge right on your freshly placed implants.

How Long Does the Healing Process Take?

The post-op surgical experience is generally very, very good. The sites of implant placement, heal quickly. Sometimes they can even be done without laying any type of flap, which we call “flapless surgery”. Where you don’t even have to cut the tissue away. Many times, they can be placed right in the root socket of where of the non salvageable tooth has been extracted. Most often, all it requires is postoperative antibiotic care, as well as over-the-counter medications.

Will People be Able to Distinguish Between my All on 4 Dental Implants and my Natural Teeth?

The of the main advantages of the All on 4 technique is that they mimic so closely the natural dentition of the patient that It’s hard to detect that it’s not the patient’s natural dentition. They are made out of porcelain, porcelain is the most lifelike material available in dentistry. Especially today with the porcelains being made out of zirconium oxide which has beautiful aesthetics, translucency and lifelike nature to them. 

Ordinary Documentation on All on 4, Says That the Final Prosthesis are Attached After Four to Six Months. Is that Accurate?

The patient usually goes with the temporary set that is made initially and immediately for 4 to 6 months. Then after all the implants have integrated and have attached themselves to the new bone that was formed, impressions are taken for the final porcelain set that the patient will receive. So there’s an initial set and a final set. The initial set is done at the time of surgery. The final set is the zirconium or porcelain bridge that is made four to six months later.

Will I Care for my All on 4 Dental Implants the Same Way That I Care for my Teeth, like Brushing and Flossing?

The after care of the implants is extremely important. The hygienist will instruct the patient, how to care for them. Most often. It’s with a waterpik or Cielo Nita Water Massage as well as routine brushing and cleaning in between the implants.

Will I have to Come for Regular Check Ups?

Follow-up care will involve regular check-ups with the hygienist and the doctor at least two times a year if not three. 

How do All on 4 Dental Implants Differ from Traditional Ones?

Traditional implants are mostly straight up-and-down and vertical. All on four and All on Six are usually used in areas of minimal bone, availability, where you want to tilt or angle the implants to get the best position for the amount of bone that’s available. So the all on four and All on 6, technology is more for limited bone sites, while conventional implants are where plenty of bone is available.

Are All on 4 Dental Implant Procedures Painful?

Most patients report that their symptoms are quite pain-free. Some have even said by the very next day, the site has healed sificiently to where, not only is there no swelling, but there’s very, very little postoperative discomfort all together.

Will I be able to Eat After my Procedure?

After the procedure it is well advised to keep a softer diet for the first few months. Nothing overly hard, that would put excessive loads on the newly placed implants.

Will I be able to go to Work After my Procedure?

Most patients, say that they can return to their normal schedule within a day or two.

How do I know if I'm a Suitable Candidate for All on 4 Implants?

You can know whether you’re a candidate for all on four and all on six implant therapy based on the panoramic consultation all the way through the CT scan and digital work up.

What is the difference between all on four in all on 6 dental implants

Conventional All on 4  implants are a total of at least four implants placed in the lower jaw, where the teeth can be attached to only four implants for full stability. It’s been proven to work very well by one of my mentors Dr. Paulo Malo, the father of the All on 4 and All on 6 technique, from Lisbon, Portugal. The All on 4 and All on 6 technique has been used in Implant Dentistry for many years. The All on 6 dental implant reconstruction is usually used in the upper jaw, when two more angled implants are placed and spread evenly from the front of the mouth to the back of the mouth to hold a full set of teeth.

Why Choose Dr. Eli Prenzlau?

Because of my experience with my specialist I have completed many all-on-four and many all on six cases. I afford the patient to even have an in-house lab on-premise many times when I do these procedures. Many times, they can walk out the very same day with their new teeth.

Want more information about All-on-4 Implants in Jerusalem?

Please call us at 02-566-0669 or fill out the form to schedule an appointment for all your dental needs.